The Village office is located at 212 Water St, Lyons, MI 48851
Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Feel free to call with any questions at 989-855-2125
Payments can be mailed, dropped in the drop box outside the Village office or brought into the office during Village office hours of business. We accept debit and credit cards and ACH Transactions (NEW!) with a processing fee. (See new fees below.). Bills are generated on the 14th or 15th of the month, due on the 5th of the next month. Penalties are generated and added to the accounts on the 6th of the month. Shut Off Notices are mailed by the 15th of each month and due by the 30th of that same month. Water is shut off on the last day of each month for the accounts that did not pay the shut off notice amount and the account will need to be paid in full to have water turned back on.
NEW! The Village of Lyons is upgrading to a new secure online utility and billing payment system called BS&A. The new links for Utility Billing, Property Tax Bills (NEW) and Miscellaneous Receivables (NEW) are below. The old system (RevoPay) will be discontinued as of 12/31/24. For privacy purposes using the new online system, you will need a PIN number. It should be on your future bills. You can also call the office, in case, you want to use your online account to pay your bill this month. (November 2024)
We are no longer able to take credit card payments over the phone at the Village Office. The NEW PHONE NUMBER for payments by credit card is a BS&A secure phone number. Please call: (989)-855-8229.
If you come into the office to pay with a credit card, we will be acting on your behalf, by logging into the new system, just like you would, and entering in your credit card info, just like you would do. Either way there are credit card / ACH convenience fees of:
Credit Card | ACH |
Resident Pays | Resident Pays |
Property Tax: 2.80% + $0.50 per transaction | $3 per transaction up to $1,000 |
Utility Billing: 2.95% + $0.50 per transaction | $6 per transaction up to $5,000 |
Miscellaneous: 2.95% + $0.50 per transaction | $12 per transaction above $5,000 |
Eye on Water is a private online account to monitor your water meter usage. Log on to and register an account. For the first time you will need to contact the Village of Lyons Office beforehand to obtain your unique account number. Use 48851 as the zip. The instructions to set up the account is self explanatory from there. A phone app is also available on Google Play or in the Apple App Store. You will need:
Your address:
Your Unique Account Number:
Zip Code: 48851
Village tax bills are due by September 14th to the Village.
NEW! Current tax bill payments can now be made online from July 1 through September 14. Hyperlink will be available at that time.
All delinquent taxes need to be paid at the county level.
NEW! You can now find and pay your Miscellaneous Receivables Invoices online (for example, mowing invoices) by clicking the secure ONLINE RECEIVABLES BILL PAYMENTS button below. (Will open in a new window or tab.)
For more information about Granger Waste Services and their Waste Acceptance Guidelines please click on the following link: